DRESS REHEARSAL - The dress rehearsal happens a week before the recital and allows students an opportunity to have a trial run of their solo with the piano accompanist (Ms. Irene) prior to playing it for a large audience. Despite the name, there’s no reason to dress up for this run through…
RECITAL - The recital performance generally lasts about 90 minutes total in length. The goal is always to keep things moving since there are usually younger siblings in attendance. Students should dress nicely (no blue jeans) and all cellists should plan on wearing pants.
Students are responsible for an introduction for their piece. Public speaking is a very important life skill and there’s no better time to start working on it then when students are young. There are 3 big rules when it comes to speaking to a large group -
Speak slowly - the audience doesn’t know what you’re going to say until after you’ve said it. They need time to process the information so slow down!
Speak loudly - the people in the back of the room needs to be able to hear you just as well as those up front. Speak in a loud, confident voice.
Speak clearly - even if you’re loud enough, you need to make sure that people can understand what you’re saying.
Here are some guidelines on what to talk about...
Each student should please prepare a few words about the piece they will be playing. Some ideas on what to say:
- what did you learn while studying the piece?
- is there a story behind the music?
- what do you think of while playing the piece?
- what does the title mean? what are some of the musical terms throughout and how do they add to the piece?
- who is the composer, when was the piece written, what was going on in their life at that time?
- what technical challenges were introduced in the piece?
If you have trouble coming up with something let me know and I can help guide you. This is not meant to be a huge stressful assignment, but rather a chance to dig a little deeper into the music and pass along what you've learned to the audience. Student comments can either be read from paper or told to the audience from memory.
Also please remember that the goal is to present something substantive and relevant to the audience.
One of the best ways to prepare for a performance is to make a video recording of your introduction and solo. Sometimes when we are focused on playing we don’t hear everything so this gives a chance to assess the things that are sounding good as well as the things we’d like to continue working on. Bring a recording to your lesson and I will give you my thoughts too. Good luck!